Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture



Cosmetic acupuncture (or acupuncture for facial rejuvenation) is a centuries-old technique that can not only improve physical appearance, but it can also enhance overall health and beauty from within.

Our holistic approach to cosmetic rejuvenation treatments includes acupuncture points on the face and the body to target cosmetic issues, repair internal imbalances, and promote deep relaxation.


A bespoke acupuncture protocol brings the body into balance by using points on both the face and body. For example, when the lungs are strengthened it benefits the skin, when the liver is supported it brightens the eyes, and when the kidneys are energized it can improve dark circles under the eyes.


  • Brightened complexion

  • Reduced acne

  • Minimized pores

  • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Reduced puffiness and facial swelling

  • Improved facial muscle tone

  • Reduced jaw tension

  • Reduces skin sagging

  • Improved skin texture


Treatments are gentle and relaxing: ultra-fine facial needles are inserted by licensed acupuncturist into the skin, followed by 30 minutes of LED light therapy.

Facial Protocol consists of 10 weekly sessions  with recommended 1x/month maintenance session.

Light therapy is an ideal addition to facial rejuvenation acupuncture. It can also be used as a stand-alone treatment.

What is light therapy: Light Emitting Diode (LED) phototherapy is the application of light energy to tissue to improve cellular performance by accelerating the repair and replenishment of compromised tissue cells.  Research has shown that light therapy can:

  • Stimulate skin cell micro-circulation

  • Increase collagen and elastin production

  • Soften fine lines and wrinkles

  • Improve lymphatic drainage

  • Improve skin tone, texture and clarity

  • Diminish acne bacteria

  • Clear existing acne breakouts

  • Reduce scar tissue

  • Delay the signs of ageing

How does it work: Celluma® light therapy mimics a natural biochemical reaction process to deliver UV-free, low-level light energy. Based on NASA research, it produces blue, red and near-infrared light energy simultaneously. Each wavelength is absorbed by different molecules that act as a signalling mechanism for different cellular processes. Blue wavelength LED, for example, affects the P. acnes bacteria cells, causing bacteria to destroy itself. Red wavelength LED is absorbed by fibroblasts cells, causing an up-regulation of ATP cells, increasing collagen and elastin, the proteins that keep your skin looking youthful, firm and tight.